
publicspeaking Feb 25, 2024

Level Up series with Aiko Hemingway.

I invited Helen Iwata the author of Eigo No Shigoto Jutsu and TEDx Speaker and we learned three common mistakes for public speaking that we tend to do from her and how to change them so that we could look more confident, passionate and professional.

At the beginning of the workshop, she told us to record our 30-second introduction on our phones. Each of us presentend it (I also recorded it on my phone too even though I did not presented it in front of them. For my own practice;)

Then she went into three common mistakes.

Mistake #1: Gestures

Mistake #2: Eye Contact

Mistake #3: Facial Expression

As we learned each mistake, she also taught us how to make good use of each category. 

Then everyone recorded their 30-second introduction again, but this time with all the tips we learned.

What was amazing was everyone's "before" at the beginning and "after" at the end of 75-min workshop was clearly different. Everyone improved.

We looked more...

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